NYC To Illegal Migrants: ‘Go Somewhere Else’

New York City, amid skyrocketing expenses and strained resources, is developing an unexpected strategy to address the massive influx of illegal immigrants, a situation intensified by the Biden administration’s open border policies. Local Democrats are now directing migrants to seek refuge elsewhere through flyers distributed in shelters within the city and at the U.S./Mexico border.

The flyers, printed in English and Spanish, inform illegal immigrants of the tough conditions in New York, stating, “NYC is one of the most expensive cities in the world; you are better off going to a more affordable city” and highlighting the city’s inability to assist with work permits or offer hotel accommodations.

Mayor Eric Adams (D) has been openly critical of the federal administration’s handling of immigration, asserting that the crisis is poised to “destroy New York City.” Frustrated with the substantial burden on city resources, Adams declared a state of emergency, calling on lawmakers to revoke New York City’s sanctuary status. He shortened shelter stay durations from 60 to 30 days, urging migrants to reconsider their destination.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) has also responded by deploying an additional 150 National Guard members to assist in managing the current immigrant population within the state while simultaneously blaming Republican leadership for the present situation.

Census data reveal over 60,000 illegal immigrants currently residing in New York City, with only 2% applying for work visas. The city anticipates migrant care expenses to reach $12 billion by mid-2025, costing taxpayers $387 per migrant household per day, as reported by Bloomberg.
The city’s decision to direct migrants elsewhere contradicts its longstanding “Right to Shelter” law. It has sparked debates, with newly Republican Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson renouncing his previous membership in the Democratic Party over its failure to support major cities adequately.

The Adams administration’s decision to extend its contract with local hotels, committing to house migrants at an additional cost of over $1 billion, has ignited further controversy. The decision, labeled by critics as fiscal recklessness, has escalated concerns over the city’s continuous, unbridled spending to manage the immigrant influx.

The city’s agreement with the New York City Hotel Association is poised to extend through August 2026, with the revised contract’s new total reaching $1.365 billion. Critics argue this sends a message of reluctance to reduce the migrant population and presents potential benefits to the hotel industry at taxpayers’ expense without the city securing competitive bids that could lower costs.

However, city officials argue that the proposal for a contract extension is flexible, allowing adaptation to the changing ground realities and providing the option to scale back or terminate if needed.

Mayor Adams, who enjoys strong ties with the hotel industry, has the endorsement of the Hotel Trades Council, representing 31,000 hotel workers. CEO of the NYC Hotel Association, Vijay Dandapani, hasn’t ruled out the possibility of a decrease in the projected costs if the migrant population drops and fewer hotels are needed.

This strategic redirection of migrants by local Democrats in New York highlights the more significant, underlying national issue: the struggle of cities to manage the repercussions of the federal government’s immigration policies and the ensuing debate over states’ rights and federal responsibility. The responses from Mayor Adams and Gov. Hochul symbolize a broader discontent with the Biden administration’s approach to immigration and reflect the tangible, local impacts of national policies.