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Thank you for reaching out to The Congressional Insider. Here, you’ll find inside information on what’s happening in Washington, DC. When lobbyists attempt to influence lawmakers, you’ll know. When a politician makes a statement or votes in opposition to conservative values, we’ll ensure you’ll find out.
The Congressional Insider is here to keep you informed about anything threatening our Constitutional rights. We do this in a way bereft of the liberal bias present in mainstream media.
Our Mission
Our mission is to protect the public by providing specific information about Congressional votes and influences, as well as suggested actions to hold politicians accountable for their votes. We want to give our readers everything they need to uphold conservative values in their communities and in the voting booth.
The Congressional Insider is committed to actions preserving important Constitutional rights such as the right to bear arms, the right to life, and the right to speak and worship freely. We offer information about how to preserve rights without the liberal bias you’ll find in the mainstream media.
The Insider Team
The Congressional Insider team is located throughout the United States. Our writers and editors take on hardworking roles, such as medical professional, teacher, parent, Sunday school teacher, community leader, and even armed forces service member. Our team members vary in age, and while all hold a conservative political view, these views vary on the conservative political spectrum on our team.
Contact The Congressional Insider
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