Insider News

The Congressional Insider team offers a look inside Washington politics at the congressional level. Are you confused about why politicians sometimes change their mind? What do they compromise on? How and why do bills get changed and laws amended? Insider News offers you a frequent look at what our congressional leaders go through to advocate for conservative values in America and how they are including these viewpoints in legislation. From tracking important legislation to demystifying the wheels and deals that happen behind closed doors, Insider News is here to help you get a firmer understanding of Washington politics.

Pair Insider News with Political Watchdog from The Congressional Insider for a more complete picture of what’s happening in Washington, DC. Political Watchdog is a newsletter focusing on holding politicians accountable, ensuring they do what they say they will once they are elected.

‘Swifties’ Trash New York Times

Popstar performer Taylor Swift’s fans are up in arms over a New York Times op-ed suggesting their favorite singer may be secretly queer. Swift is...

Cheney Expresses Desire For Democratic Majority In Congress

Long gone are the days when U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) boasted her conservative bonafides and held a leadership position within the GOP on...

Christie Says He Wouldn’t Vote For Or Pardon Trump

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), who is seeking the Republican presidential nomination in 2024, recently said he will not vote for former...

Federal Court Rules Texas Can Outlaw Emergency Abortions

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled unanimously Tuesday that the federal government cannot enforce guidelines requiring Texas to allow hospital emergency rooms...

Two Men Allegedly Staged Fake Armed Robberies To Gain Immigration Benefits

Two New York City residents have been arrested for allegedly staging multiple fake armed robberies at convenience stores and fast-food restaurants across the United...

Unsustainable Office Space Loans Could Plunge US Into Recession

While the massive interest rate hikes implemented over the course of last year by the Federal Reserve were touted as a way to bring...

Judge Denies Request To Delay Sen. Menendez Bribery Trial

On Thursday, U.S. District Court Judge Sidney Stein denied a motion filed by Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) that asked for a two-month delay in...

Big Pharma Raising Prices Of 500 Drugs

Big pharma companies have plans to raise the price of more than 500 drugs in the U.S. early in the New Year. 3 Axis Advisors,...