Rep. Neil Friske Alleges Setup After Arrest For Assault On Stripper

Michigan State Rep. Neil Friske has claimed he was framed following his June 20 arrest for allegedly assaulting a stripper from Deja Vu Showgirls Club in Lansing. Friske, accused of assault and chasing the dancer with a gun, firmly denies the charges.

Friske’s campaign defended him on Facebook, highlighting his regular exercise of 2nd Amendment rights. According to Fox 2 Detroit, police have suggested three felony charges: sexual assault, assault excluding sexual, and weapons charges. Despite this, Friske was released without charges as investigations proceed.

Confident of his exoneration, Friske stated, “I am confident that this investigation will totally exonerate me.” The Lansing Police have not released video or documentation, citing interference with ongoing investigations.

Friske appeared on the “Your Defending Fathers” radio show, hosted by Trucker Randy, who claimed his broadcast was sabotaged by hackers to prevent him from supporting Friske. This added to Friske’s claims of being framed by political enemies.

Friske believes the arrest was part of a broader conspiracy against him, describing the events as a setup. His campaign’s Facebook post supported this view, noting the suspicious timing of his arrest following a poll on the 107th District race.

Despite calls to step down or suspend his campaign, Friske remains determined to continue. He questioned the integrity of his opponents, stating, “I just don’t even understand how someone that wants to claim to be an upright, Christian person can run this kind of a campaign.” Friske stands firm, asserting his innocence and commitment to his political career.