Liberal Media Ignores Biden Administration’s Role In Controversial Transgender Health Policy

In a stunning oversight, major news networks ABC, CBS and NBC have neglected to cover a significant scandal involving the Biden Administration and the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH).

Recently unsealed court documents revealed that Rachel Levine, the Assistant Secretary for Health, allegedly influenced WPATH to remove age limits for various transgender medical procedures for minors.

On June 24, documents showed Levine pressured WPATH to avoid specifying age minimums for procedures such as chemical castration, genital surgeries, and other controversial treatments. Levine, who identifies as a woman, argued that setting age limits could restrict access to transgender healthcare for young people. This push aligns with the Biden Administration’s broader support for transgender rights, but it has ignited a firestorm of criticism from conservatives and parental rights advocates.

Despite the gravity of these revelations, ABC, CBS, and NBC chose to ignore the story on their evening broadcasts on June 25 and June 26. Instead, these networks aired segments on less pressing topics such as a child’s lemonade stand, intergenerational daycare, and a new bison calf. This lack of coverage starkly contrasts with the New York Times, which reported on the WPATH guidelines and the alleged pressure from Levine.

According to the Times, WPATH’s draft guidelines initially proposed age minimums of 14 for hormone treatments, 15 for mastectomies, 16 for breast augmentation or facial surgeries, and 17 for genital surgeries or hysterectomies. Levine’s intervention aimed to remove these limits entirely, claiming that doing so would prevent harmful legislation against transgender healthcare. Levine’s chief of staff, Sarah Boateng, also emphasized that explicit age restrictions could lead to devastating legislative outcomes.

Adding to the controversy is WPATH’s financial backing from leftist billionaire Jennifer Pritzker, cousin of Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker. Pritzker has donated at least $237,500 to WPATH from 2013 to 2019, earning her a “Philanthropy Award” from the organization in 2018. Her foundation has continued to support WPATH, alongside contributions from George Soros, who donated at least $57,347.

Conservatives argue that the media’s failure to cover this scandal reflects a broader bias and unwillingness to scrutinize the Biden Administration. They contend that the administration’s push for these radical policies requires greater transparency and public debate. The lack of age limits for such serious medical procedures raises significant ethical and medical concerns, particularly about the long-term impact on minors.

As the story develops, it remains to be seen whether the mainstream media will address the allegations of collusion and the broader implications for transgender healthcare policies. The response from conservative lawmakers and advocacy groups will be crucial in holding the administration accountable and ensuring that public discourse includes all perspectives on this contentious issue.

For now, the silence from major networks on such a critical matter raises questions about their commitment to impartial journalism and the interests they serve. As public awareness grows, the demand for thorough and unbiased reporting on this issue will likely increase, putting pressure on media outlets to cover the story comprehensively.