Robert Telles, a Democrat politician from Las Vegas, has been sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of investigative journalist Jeff German. German, 69, was known for his fearless reporting on corruption in Las Vegas, particularly his recent work uncovering allegations against Telles, including bullying and favoritism in exchange for sexual favors within his office.
On September 2, 2022, Telles brutally stabbed German to death outside his home. Despite the high-profile nature of the crime, several major news outlets like Axios, ABC, AP, and CBS referred to Telles merely as an “ex-politician” or “former Las Vegas official,” often omitting his Democratic affiliation in their headlines.
German’s reporting had made him a target, but his dedication to exposing the truth remained unwavering. After Telles’ conviction, Clark County District Attorney Steve Wolfson stated, “Today’s verdict should send a clear message that any attempts to silence the media, or to silence or intimidate a journalist, will not be tolerated.”
Telles, who worked as a lawyer, argued in court that he was framed by staff members as a result of his efforts to tackle corruption. However, these claims were swiftly dismissed by the prosecution as “ludicrous.”
German’s family remembered him as a steadfast journalist who chose to stay in Las Vegas, where he believed he could make the most difference. Despite numerous opportunities elsewhere, German remained committed to shining a light on corruption in “Sin City.”
Telles will serve at least 20 years before he is eligible for parole, but his life sentence stands as a grim reminder of the dangers faced by those who dare to expose the truth in the face of corruption.